
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I believe India can do it.

This article consists of the excerpts of the speech by our prime minister Manmohan Singh regarding the reforms he had started 15 years back as a finance minister (he humbly says that the seeds of all the reforms were sown by our late prime minister Rajiv Gandhi) ,the celebration of the 15 years anniversary of the reforms and the responsibilities of the entrepreneurs who have come out as a result of those reforms.

"THE CHALLENGE before the political leadership in India today is to meet the aspirations of an energetic new India, and at the same time, take care of concerns of less endowed sections of our society"

"To all the successful entrepreneur who have emerged from this process, my advice is to treat their wealth as a social trust and manage it for the welfare of the nation at large. If the rich had spent their new wealth on their own enjoyments, the world would long ago have found such a regime intolerable".

"Economic reforms have created a new world that simply did not exist earlier. Fifteen years ago you had to be in a queue, use influence and offer bribes to secure a telephone connection, buy a scooter or even has a gas connection. Today, I find farmers, vegetable vendors and plumbers using mobile phones. Nothing symbolises change in our economy more strikingly than this."

"I do believe that India can do it. However, if we have to realise our full potential there is much work to be done. There is an agenda of reform that you are familiar with. We need to work towards a more open and efficient financial system, a system capable of generating necessary financial resources needed for the rapid growth of our economy. We must also not give up the long-term foal of full convertibility for the rupee. We have to improve out infrastructure - our ports, roads, airports, railways, power and water utilities, and so on."

"However, the point I would like to draw you attention to is one of even greater concern for the long-term well being of the nation. Millions of our fellow citizens are still deprived of the benefits of the fast growing economy. Our growth process while generating wealth and prosperity across large sections of society, have not been able to generate employment opportunities on the same scale."

""There are difficult tasks to be done. But it is not these mundane matters of getting things done, and done better, that really worries me. What worries me is the mindset that restrains us, that constrains us, that holds us back. REFORM IS IN THE
FINAL ANALYSIS, ABOUT CHANGING THE MINDSETS. We must have the courage of think "OUT OF THE BOX". We must have the courage to think anew. Question old beliefs. To seek new pathways.""

"We must all work together to build a new India of our dream - a prosperous India of more equity and greater equality. An India of more creativity and greater enterprise. The two can go together. And they must go together. No pyramid of achievement and progress can shine at the top for long if its base is weak and crumbling. We have to build stronger base. A more energetic and capable social and economic base for sustained and sustainable economic growth.


So what do you say???????????

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The future dilemma...............

"Our life today is the result of the decissions we made yesterday and the decissions we make today are going to decide out destiny tomorrow".

We keep on walking along a path and we come to the point where the path bifercates. And here starts out dilemma. A path most frequently traversed and one less traversed but the one we would like to traverse. Finally with lot of thinking and advices ( generally useless but the person giving them feels that he is doing the best he can do for you. While actually he is doing the other way.) we zero in upon one of them. And then onwards our life becomes the result of that decission. We may find this path good and worth pursuing but still deep within the hearts we feel that "What if I had chosen the other path. It is called the 're loka' in kannada. AA dina naanu odhidda're', avalu nannnannu maduve aagidda're', aa kelasa sikkidda're' wagera wagera. It happens with me, it happens with you, it happens with the person who fixed your computer, it happens with the person who stared at you last day, it happens with your boy friend or girl friend who ditched you recently.

And today I am on one of such crossroads.

To decide between MBA and MS.

This moment I am dead sure that I will go for MS. Ask me a moment later and I will tell you "I am cocksure that I will take on MBA,come what may!". I am so fickle minded and the tragedy is that I enjoy being so. I am so amazed of my unique talents. Every time I think of taking a firm decission to select between the two, I come up with such wonderful reasons, to put it off for then(that particular moment). Human brain is so awsome that it can come up with such silly reason and still make you believe that it is a very genuine reason.
On one fine day I am going to make this decission and I know I can. But by that I will wither be in IIMB or MIT(no giggles please I am serious!).May be not that late,but we should accept that important decissions in life takes some time. But I know I can do it. Remember that old sweet school song "We shall overcome, we shall overcome , we shall overcome one day............".
This is the line that has always kept me going.(You know how hard it feels when you get those internal marks and vtu results. Whenever you feel let down remember that line `we shall overcome "one day"'. At the end of my last semester(specially during those study holidays) I made a decission that next semester I will start preparing right from the beginning. This semester I took that oath again and I am sure I will take that oath next semester also.

One great man once said ( as i donot know who the person was and when he said, to be frank I donot if he is great but one thing I am sure is that the saying is great)

" The only reason that the humanity has come this far is, the only hope that tomorrow will be better than today...."

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